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First Call for Proposals 2010

The 91直播Steering Committee launched the first Call for Proposals on May 21, 2010, to all IDA countries that were not in non-accrual status. The first Call for Proposals had two deadlines: June 14, 2010, and October 1, 2010. 91直播received complete applications from 26 eligible countries, and 12 received funding. Successful countries, that applied by either deadline, were awarded funding in June 2010, November 2010, or June 2011. The total amount requested in June 2010 was US$377 million and in November 2010 US$ 930 million. The first Call for Proposal officially closed with the June 2011 allocation.

Countries that submitted complete packages:

  • Africa (15): Benin, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Uganda
  • Asia (7): Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Nepal, Tajikistan
  • Eastern Europe (1): Moldova
  • Latin America & Caribbean (2): Haiti, Nicaragua
  • Middle East (1): Yemen

Detailed funds allocation:

  • June 2010 ($224 million): Bangladesh ($50 million; World Bank & FAO), Haiti ($35 million; World Bank & IDB), Rwanda ($50 million; World Bank), Sierra Leone ($50 million; IFAD), and Togo ($38.8 million; World Bank & IFAD).
  • November 2010 ($97 million): Ethiopia ($51.5 million; World Bank & FAO), Mongolia ($12.5 million; World Bank & FAO), Niger ($33 million; AFDB).
  • June 2011 ($160 million): Cambodia ($39.1 million; ADB), Liberia ($46.5 million; AFDB), Nepal ($46.5 million; World Bank), Tajikistan ($27.9 million; World Bank).